Virtual Health Library

BVS-Psi Brazil

Directories, Portals and Comunities

Other information sources in Psychology and Health Sciences

  • Standards and Legislation in Psychology (Brazil)
  • General Health Sciences Brazilian Legislation
  • Standardization Manuals
    Standardization manuals references, citations and footnotes and guidelines for preparation of dissertations and theses of ABNT and APA.
  • Public policies of education, health and schooling (Brazil)

    It presents chronologically the policies of health and education related to addressing the difficulties identified in the schooling process, linking them to the research conducted in the area and the elements of the implementation of these policy processes.

    The initial milestone is the Brazilian Constitution of 1988. The information is organized in order to allow comparison between the federal, state and municipal levels, and contains links to access:

    • the full text of policies;
    • academic research that discuss such policies in its implementation process and other elements related to them.


BVS      BVS-Psi Brasil
                                       Virtual Health Library in Psychology (Brazil)

                                       Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 1721 - Bl. C
                                       05508-030 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
                                       Phones: (55) 11 2648-0363 / 3091-4391 - Fax: (55) 11 3091-4392